Success Stories


Saying YES to the magic of life

Laisha: The words I would use to describe our relationship are: similar but complementary, magical but sober-minded, unexpected but guided and open-minded and open-hearted. It has been like that from the moment we met on the Conscious Dating Network. 

I was still in Europe (Germany) when I decided to register on I already made plans to go on an adventure, travelling across the world and getting in touch with locals to find out about their unique mindset and lifestyle. Only a week later - it was a full moon - I saw Will's profile and clicked on "interested". From that moment on, we started texting everyday - eventually spending hours at a time together until we met in person. We messaged for two and a half months before meeting each other. From the beginning on, we have been very innocent and mindful about what, how and when to share with each other about ourselves in what we've called "our space". We shared deep thoughts, intimate feelings, information about our family and past, art, music - always expressing ourselves in an honest, vulnerable and creative way. He felt like a beautiful stranger and old friend at the same time. 
One month after we started texting, he drew me a picture of the moon. I told my friends and family "this is my man". I continued to travel and eventually made it to the US and shared with him about my adventures all the way. On our second and last phone call before we met (it lasted about four hours), we shared our mutual passion about the thought of spending our lives together. 
When we finally met at the Airport in St. Louis, it felt like a dream taking on form, an image becoming three-dimensional. We spent about an hour sitting in front of his truck in the parking lot, staring at each other. I basically moved in with him on our first date, finding a home after an adventure of searching for that for a while. Our space became manifest. There were so many synchronicities that felt very magical: we drew a picture of the same rose to give each other as a present, important experiences we've been trhough in our past, even his home seemed to provide just the perfect place for all the beloved objects I brought with me on my travels. 
Certain of our feelings as we've hardly felt about other things in life before, two weeks later we decided to get married. And even if we're only at the beginning of our journey (and we certainly intend to keep it that way no matter how much time passes), our lives merging felt like two puzzle pieces finding each other. In hindsight we can say that everything we wrote on our profile about our potential significant other was met, I think it certainly helped that both of us have been very aware and clear about what we were looking for, while being very open about the details and having no expectations at the same time. 

Will: The entire experience has been filled with magic - with too many synchroniticies to tell. The messages were very clear, that we are meant to continue on this path together. So far the journey has been filled with wonder, love, and support. Something we share with one another regularly is practiced gratitude. My life has completely changed and every part for the better - and every challenge for the better. It is an honor to be in love with Laisha, and a privilege to learn from her and by her side. 

Listening very deeply to our individual intuition, global circumstances, and just saying "YES" to life brought us together! We will always be grateful for everyone from Conscious Dating Network who helped us finding each other!
NOTE: Spiritual Singles and Green Singles are part of the Conscious Dating Network which is comprised of many "Spiritual/Conscious/Mindful" and "Green/Eco-Conscious" dating sites that all share the same large database of members (like different rivers flowing into the same ocean). Members only need join one site to have access to all members from all sites.